Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash
Your captivity is over when you let Me set you free.
Your inability is exchanged with My ability.
Your weakness is replaced by My strength.
Your fear fades into obscurity, in My love.
Your sickness is overcome in My healing.
Your pain is relieved by My comfort.
Your anxiety is calmed by My peace.
Your lack is ended by My provision.
Your aimlessness is concluded because I Am the Way.
Your lies are exchanged with My Truth.
Your pride is substituted with My humility.
Your hopelessness is over because I Am Faithful.
Your spiritual hunger is fed because I Am the Bread of Life.
Your spiritual thirst is quenched because I Am the Fountain of Living Water.
Your loneliness is ended because I will never leave you nor forsake you.
Your religiosity is unnecessary because the veil is split.
Your sin is vanquished in My righteousness.
Your separation and striving are finished because of what I did on the cross.
Your death is conquered by My life.
Your old life ends at the cross.
Your new life in Me begins at the foot of the cross.
To embrace My life, you must embrace My cross.
Because I lived totally abandoned to My Father, you must abandon yourself to Me.
Your old life and ways are finished because I AM.
Photo by
John Gies on Unsplash